Is it just me or do we take mobile phones for granted?
I think we do.
Probably because they have become so ubiquitous.
First thing I see when I wake up in the morning is my phone as it is also my alarm clock.
As a Creative Director I need to stay abreast of what’s happening at work.
So I check my emails before I go to the office.
Not with a computer but with my phone.
I also get an up to the minute weather forecast on my phone.
So I know whether or not it’s safe to wear suede shoes that day.
I use my phone to check the time of the next train whilst walking to the station.
At which time I am usually listening to my music collection. On my phone.
And of course I catch up with friends via Facebook and Twitter using my phone when I’m on the train.
At least until the signal disappears between the Windsor and South Yarra stations.
Like I said. The mobile phone is ubiquitous.
But it wasn’t always this way.
I watched an episode of Mad Men Last night where one of the suits heard about the impending loss of an account.
If this happened today he would have instantly rung Don Draper on his mobile.
But back then it took almost an entire day to track down then meet up with Draper.
Can you imagine kids of today putting up with that?
I can’t.
In fact I can’t imagine myself putting up with it either.