Writer or creative?
Back in 2000 when I was working in London I met with a headhunter about a couple of job opportunities.
The women in question dealt mainly with digital roles.
Anyway the meeting was going well until the women posed the following rather odd question:
"How can you be a creative director if you're a copywriter?'
I'm sure you can imagine my response.
Fast forward to quite recently when I was approached by a large digital agency who were looking for a creative director.
I had three meetings with key people, all of them over beers, before someone asked me the same question:
"How can you be a creative director if you're a copywriter?'
I decided there and then the role was not for me.
Because ours is an ideas business.
Not a design business.
What I wanna know is when all those people still clinging to the terms like 'pure play digital' are going to come to terms with this.
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