Whatever happened to Foursquare?
It arrived with a minimum of fanfare.
Yet very quickly Twitter was littered with tweets telling where people were.
So I got on board.
I got addicted for a while too.
Especially with Mayorships.
But then I lost interest.
I suspect a lot of other people did too.
Now pretty much the only place I regularly check-in to is Wunderman Melbourne.
And that's only because I have a thing about being the Mayor of Wunderland.
I suspect the launch of Facebook Places may have had an impact on Foursquare too.
In fact each day I see more and more people checking-in via Facebook.
So I guess it must have.
And what does the future hold for Foursquare?
Not a lot I imagine.
But then again I could be wrong.
What do you think?
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