Wednesday, 22 April 2009

KesselsKramer downunder

I'll never forget the day I introduced the Dutch agency KesselsKramer to a group of 2nd year advertising students at RMIT.

To say that their work had an effect on these kids is something an understatement.

They were literally blown away by the random genius of KesselsKramer.

Now it's your turn. Well almost.

KesselsKramer Exports -12 Years of Posters and more will be on show in Melbourne from 4th to 14th June and in Sydney from 18th to 28th June.

As if that wasn't exciting enough, the agency's Creative Director and Strategy Director are holding a series of workshops.

Tickets are limited for all events and will be available for purchase via Ticketmaster from Tuesday 28 April, 2009.

Further information visit
