Thursday, 28 December 2006

Wisdom of a 10 year old

My son Max and I were in the car this morning when he made a very perceptive comment on a poster he'd seen for the X-Box 360.

I’ve searched in vain to try and find the ad in question, but I’ve come up empty handed.

The ads feature a young male, shirt off, with different types of appendage sown on to where their arms would be.

There’s one with rippling biceps and another with white feathered wings. Hopefully you get the picture.

Anyway Max said that he reckoned "They were pretty good ads, but they're not right for the 360."

When I asked him why he said, “They’re more like the kind of ads you’d expect to see for something interactive, like the Wii.”

“The 360 can’t make you feel like the ads say you will. It’s just an X-Box but with better graphics.”

Geez! The kid’s only 10 and he’s already so aware of media and messaging it’s just not funny.

If he’s representative of the kids of today, the advertisers of tomorrow are gonna have to start raising their game. And fast.