Thursday, 2 November 2006

Is the iPhone ready yet?

As ubiquitous as the iPod has become during its brief five year lifespan, its sales are still massively below those of mobile phones.

Reuters reports that sales of Nokia phones with built-in music players are easily outstripping dedicated MP3 players.

According to Nokia spokesman Tommi Mustonen the company aims to sell 80million music playing mobiles this year.

Now that’s a lot of phones. It's also a hell of a lot of music players!

Nokia have got the music industry well in their sights, having recently acquired digital music distributor Loudeye for $60million.

Rumours are now circulating that this will lead to Nokia debuting their own iTunes style music store in 2007.

So where does all this leave Apple and the iPod? Well let’s just say the iPhone surely can’t be too far away.