The sharing of success

Regular visitors to the world of Brand DNA will remember my ramble the other day about all the things I'd packed onto my iPhone for my trip to Sydney.
As you can imagine my iPhone got quite a workout while I was there.
What I didn't realise was how much I was going to use it on a rainy Friday night at Luna Park.
You see my main reason for the trip was to attend the ADMA awards where I had somehow managed to have six finalists.
When I say I of course I should be saying we. Wunderman Melbourne.
None of what I am about to write about would have been possible without my good friends from the Wunderteam.
Anyway let's get back to meeee!
Over the course of an incredible night all six finalists went on to pick up a Bronze Award.
And each time this happened I posted it onto my Facebook using the iPhone.
What I never expected was to get comments on these award updates.

This meant we were able to share the excitement with friends and colleagues all over the world. In what the tech heads call real time.
So a special thank you to everyone who sent comments via Facebook.
And for all those people who have followed the story of the Origin Recycled Mail Pack you'll be pleased to know that the little envelope that could picked up 3 gongs on the night.
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